Bow down to the God of Glitz!

He’s smug and insufferable, but if you’re honest with yourself and swallow your pride, you have to admit that you need him.
Story: Meet Zeus, the self-proclaimed "God of Glitz". Obsessed with gold, he struts around like a gilded peacock, claiming every shiny thing as his "divine right." He's convinced his golden bracelets and jewelled beard make him invincible, but he is so insufferably smug that even the other Divines are eager to punch that invincibility out of him.
Battle Tips:
Zeus lands on the battlefield to rain thunderbolts down on its enemies. He can summon a thunderstorm that grows more powerful as more enemies are electrocuted throughout the battle.
Zeus’ powers can shine the most whenever electrocution is applied on the battlefield. He can be helpful in battles where there are multiple enemies, but not so much if there are fewer since his thunder can’t target the same unit multiple times.
Counters: Single Frontliners and Melees
Is countered by: Multipopulation Ranged units
Divine Storm: Zeus unleashes one lightning bolt attack on the closest enemy target. The number of lightning bolts will increase by 1 and up to 6 for every electrocuted enemy. Each lightning bolt deals a percentage of Zeus' damage.
Olympian Pressure: Entities affected by Divine Storm will have their Attack Speed reduced by 40% for some seconds.
Call me Piter, Ju Piter: Each of Zeus' regular attacks has a chance of applying Electrocute.
Titan Slayer: Zeus' Attack Speed increases.
Stats at level 300:
Damage: 21,150
Health: 64,381