Patch Notes v2.0.0

It’s here! Today’s the day! Version 2.0 has finally made it to Top Troops, packed with exciting changes that will keep you playing for weeks, months, and years to come! You’re in for quite a read, so if you’re curious about everything included in the upgrade, get cozy and keep reading!
System Changes
There are new maximum ranks for the different rarities in the game:
The max rank for Common and Rare units is now 4.
On the other hand, Epic units become more important in battles, with a new max rank of 15!
Legendaries maintain their max rank of 15.
Both Epic and Legendary units can reach new heights, with a maximum level of 300!
Because they’re more powerful now, you can only deploy 2 Epic units of the same Squad simultaneously.
Ascension becomes simpler and based on Fragments, which will be used to rank up Epic and Legendary units. The amount of Fragments required will change depending on the unit’s rank.
The Ascension screen and building have changed to become the perfect frame for this new kind of magic!
Because Fragments are now something so central, you’ll see the Fragment counter for each unit within their own screen. With this change, the Fragments tab within the Library will be gone.
Wild Fragments are now stored in the Inventory.
You can also summon your second copy of a unit using Fragments.
Now let’s talk about your new, cleaner, improved unit screen:
Access points for Gear, Talents, and Skills have been adjusted to gain space and clarity.
Have a look at the new copy selector on the top left part of the screen, which will allow you to switch between all the units in a Squad. You can also use this menu to convert your excess of units into Fragments.
Talents now unlock at level 150. If any of your units under level 150 had their Talents already unlocked, that will be maintained.
With the new rank-up system, Magical Ascension Items have exactly the same use as Wild Fragments. The goal is to keep things simple, isn’t it? That’s why all the MAIs you had on your map have transformed into Wild Fragments and sent to your inbox. The exchange ratio has been 20 for a small piece of a MAI, 50 for a medium piece, and 100 for a full MAI.
There are also changes in the level-up system:
To complete level-ups you will now need a combination of Squad Coins and Common and Rare units.
Pay attention to the rank, rarity and faction, as they grant extra experience bonuses!
Many Materials are gone from the game, and we doubt you’ll miss them! You will only need one type of material per faction. These new materials will only be required from level 150 onwards.
You’ll be able to collect these materials in the Arena Market, Quests, the Tower of Fate, and the Tower of Factions.
Get your hands on some Trainers! You can use these jokers in level-ups to complement your Common and Rare units. Like with other units, Trainers of higher ranks and factions similar to the unit you’re leveling up will grant experience bonuses.
You will be able to get Trainers from Quests and Adventure. The higher the difficulty of the battles you win, the better the Trainers.
With Common and Rare units having a key purpose in the game, we have decided to remove the Retirement feature. The Yonder Yacht will remain there for those players that have already unlocked it, so you can use your remaining Retirement Coins for a bit longer. The Yonder Yacht will be completely gone in an upcoming version.
Army Power will now be the main indicator of a user’s progress in the game (rather than Kingdom Power).
Army Power is calculated by adding up the power of your 12 strongest units.
If you manage to grow your Army Power from one week to the next, you will receive an Inbox message with a reward from the King!
Game modes
We have made several changes in the PVP Arena.
Legend Leagues won’t be accessible on the first days of a new Season.
After reaching certain Leagues, you will be able to enhance your Defense by hiding some units!
Daily battle rewards have been modified: After 5 battles, you’ll get 100 Arena Medals, and after 10 battles, you’ll receive 30 Essential Summon Shards.
There is news from the Quest map too!
Common, Rare, and Epic Quests have more nodes. The quality of the rewards will increase as you get to tougher battles.
Completed nodes that are no longer relevant will not appear.
You can now Auto-Win battles after you’ve won them by fighting at least once.
We have modified the content of the shops in the game. Go to the Arena Market and the Clan Market to discover the new items available.
The Giant Hunt will become more dynamic and interesting thanks to the following changes:
Blessings will now be rerolled every 24 hours.
You’ll be able to lock your preferred Blessings to keep them from getting lost in the reroll.
Now you can purchase extra Giant Hunt Tickets.
Use Gems to skip the cooldown time of all or some of your tired units!
And on the subject of Battle Challenges…
We bid farewell to the Rare Tier! Due to the limited number of Rare and Common units, the Rare Tier of the Battle Challenge offered very few strategy possibilities, often leading to frustration and repetitive battles. With the new maximum rank of these rarities, and given that you’ll need to use those units in level-ups, putting a competitive army together was about to become even harder. With this change, we hope to increase the number of exciting and meaningful battles in the Battle Challenge.
NEW feature: Calypso’s Spin
Try your luck in this new, time-limited, wheel of fortune!
Use Gems to get amazing rewards in Calypso’s Spin. The first spin of the day is free!
Each reward will have different obtention chances.
There’s a 5-spin button. Use it to do 5 spins at once with a discount!
Spinning Calypso’s wheel will also get you extra rewards in a special path! The more you spin, the more milestones you’ll reach down the path, the more extra rewards you’ll unlock!
Battle Changes
There are exciting improvements to battles that will help you plan better what happens after you hit the button! Target preview During the pre-battle screen, you’ll see arrows that highlight the target of all units in the battlefield.
Blue and red arrows will show you the target of units with the regular targeting behavior, which is to attack the closest enemy in the battlefield.
Green and orange arrows highlight the target of units with special targeting behavior: Teleport to the opposite side of the battlefield, target a specific archetype, follow an allied unit, etc.
It’s important to note that the arrows in the pre battle screen will highlight the logical target based on current position, but it does not take into account changes in targeting that occur once the battle starts, for example an assassin teleporting right behind a unit will cause the target of said unit to change.
Faction changes United, we stand! Deploying a significant jumper of units from the same Faction will grant a bonus to the entire army:
Units will no longer deal more/less damage to other units based on their faction.
Having groups of 4/6/12 units of the same faction will grant a buff of 10%/20%/50% to the Health and Damage of the entire army.
These buffs can be stacked, you can have up to 3 bonuses of 4 unit groups for a 30% boost or 2 bonuses of 6 unit groups for a 40% boost.
General stats rebalance We are constantly analyzing the health of the game, the battle balance, and the strategies being used. In recent months we’ve noticed a general imbalance that led to certain archetypes, especially Ranged and Mage, not being as valuable as we wanted them to be. We also realized that non-Legendary units were overwhelmingly weak compared to Legendary units, to the point of becoming irrelevant too soon in your journey. For this reason we have rebalanced the Health and Damage baseline of all units by applying these measures:
Increase in the general Health to Damage ratio. The goal of this is to increase the survivability of frail units, giving them time to trigger their skills and prove their worth in most battles.
Redistribution of Health and Damage stats among archetypes. The goal of this redistribution is to grant Ranged and Mage units equal opportunities to shine in battles, while keeping the other archetypes as valuable as usual.
Reduction in the differences in Damage and Health across rarities. The difference in core stats across rarities has been greatly decreased to encourage the use of lower-rarity units throughout your journey.
We understand how this change can lead to a painful transition and we are truly sorry for the inconvenience. We are always striving for a healthy balance that can accommodate lots of playstyles and strategies and we will listen to you and take any necessary actions in the future in order to get there.
Reduction in the number of Multi population units In order to increase the readability of our battles we decided to reduce the number of entities in the battlefield. The following units will now be single-population: Herbalist, Stone Hermit, Abomination, Orc Rider, Armored Troll, Samurai, Conductor, Merman, Royal Guard, Ymir, Sharpshooter, Fire Slasher, Toad Druid.
Unit redesigns - Taunt is a new behavior in the game. For a set duration, it forces all enemies caught inside an area to target the unit that taunted them. - For the moment, 3 units will have Taunt in their skillset. The idea is to make them better protectors of their allies, especially fragile units like Ranged or Mages. - The following units have had significant changes to their behavior in battle:
Armored Troll - The Heavy Hitters skill has been replaced by a new skill: Mindless Taunt: “Armored Troll will taunt all enemies within an area of 3 to attack him, drawing them from attacking his allies. Enemies will remain taunted for 10 seconds.” - The order of Armored Troll’s skills is the following: 1, Mindless Taunt; 2, Enhanced Endurance; 3, Hardened Hide; 4, Spiked Armor. - Mindless Taunt will become the main skill and Armored Troll’s cooldown will go from 8 to 5 seconds.
Abomination - The skill Expired Venom has been replaced by a new skill: Poisonous Bait: “Abomination will taunt all enemies within an area of 3 to attack him, drawing them from attacking his allies. Enemies will remain taunted for 10 seconds.” - Poisonous Bait will become the main skill and Abomination’s cooldown will become 6.
The King The skill Shields Be Splintered will now have the following behavior: “The King's Defense increases by 10%. Enemies inside the Heed My Call area will become taunted for 10 seconds and target The King.”
Herbalist - Fungal Fun has a new behavior: “The Herbalist will have a permanent area of radius 4.5 around him that will heal allies by 10% of his Max Health every second. Once the cooldown has expired, Herbalist will strengthen the Regeneration effect by an additional 0.5% of his Max Health.” - Also, Stem It Up: “Allies inside the area of Fungal Fun will have their Defense boosted by 5%.” - Mushroom Protection’s new behavior is: “Allies inside the area of Fungal Fun become Immune to Poison, including the Herbalist. Any attempt at poisoning them will instead heal them by 2% of Herbalist’s Max Health.” - Toxic Bath: “Herbalist’s Defense increases by 16%.” - The Herbalist cooldown will go from 6 to 20.
Elemental Witch - Elemental Witch’s Boogie Wonderland skill has been replaced by a new skill: Nature Surge, which does the following: “Enemies affected by Elemental Witch’s regular attack have a 10% chance of becoming Entangled for 2 seconds. Entangled units will have their Movement Speed reduced to 0, but they can still attack.” - Wind has been replaced by a new skill: Forest Trap: “Enemies entering an area of radius 3 around the Elemental Witch will have a 10% chance of becoming Entangled for 2 seconds.” - The Fire skill has been replaced by Tricky Terrain: “The radius of Forest Trap becomes 3 and causes enemies to drop their Movement Speed by 50% and Attack Speed by 30%.” - Elemental Witch will no longer have a skill that uses her cooldown, so it will become 0.
Leshy Root of the Problem will have a new behavior: “Leshy will have a constant area of radius 4 around them, dropping the Attack Speed of enemies who enter it by 30%, and their Movement Speed by 50%. Those enemies have a 10% chance of being Entangled.”
Ember Elemental - Catastrophe has been replaced by a new skill: Flamethrower, which does the following: “Ember Elemental will spew a constant wave of fire towards the closest enemy, dealing 33% of his Damage every 0.3 seconds. applying Burn to any enemy hit by it and reducing their Block Chance by 15% .” - Lava Bath has been replaced by a new skill: Burning Curse: “Any unit burned by Ember Elemental will have its Damage decreased by 10% for 4 seconds.” - Volcano Smash will now be the second skill, and change to do the following: “Ember Elemental will make the closest enemy and all Burning enemies explode, dealing 300% of his regular Damage to it and 50% of that Damage to any enemy in a radius of 2 from the explosion." - Overheating will now be the 3rd skill, and have a new behavior: “For each entity burned since the beginning of the battle, Ember Elemental’s Damage will increase by 5%. If the same entity is burned twice, it will not count.”
Storm - The skill Doudensei will now be the 1st skill, and change to have the following behavior: “Storm’s regular attack is a lightning bolt that chains up to 3 targets, dealing 10% less damage to each subsequent target. The lightning bolt will prioritize traveling to the backline, but cannot make it through a distance of more than 7 from the last target.” - Raiu will now be the 2nd skill,with a new behavior: “Storm summons a storm upon her closest enemy and all Electrocuted enemies, dealing 500% of her Damage to each.” - Mahi will now be the 4th skill: “Increases Storm's Critical Chance by 30% when attacking an Electrocuted enemy, and has a 50% chance of Stunning them for 2 seconds.”
Other rebalances
Explorabbit’s cooldown will increase from 6 to 7.
El Bandolero will keep his accelerated Movement and Attack Speed even after Last Man Standing’s invulnerability period expires.
Verleaf’s skills will change order: - Healing Growth will be unlocked at level 0 - Forest Protection at level 40. - Warrior Carriage will only spawn 1 set of Goblins or Swordsman in the first 2 levels of the Ground Assault skill.
Economy Changes
Summoning Pit There are many changes in the Summoning Pit! Let’s go through them:
As you know, the Legendary Summon has four featured units. Well, now you get to pick two of those units! This way, you can increase the probabilities of finding the unit you’re looking for.
Legendary and Celestial Summons become more generous, with Legendary units having a 10% chance of showing up!
In order to account for this change, the cost of a Legendary or Celestial Summon will be 350 Gems, while a x10 pull will cost 3000 Gems
The Essential and Faction Summons have had their Legendary drop rates reduced to 2%
At the same time, the cost of an Essential or Faction Summon has been adjusted to 200 Gems, while a x10 pull will cost 1800 Gems
The Guaranteed Legendary Unit counter has been disconnected between the 4 Summons: Now, Legendary and Celestial Summons will offer a Legendary unit for every 50 Summons and the Essential and Faction Summons will grant you a Legendary unit after 60 pulls.
This means that we’ll have 2 counters: one shared by the Celestial and Legendary Summons, and another one shared by the Faction and Essential Summons.
Your Wishlist will now be considered by all Summons and not only the Essential one!
All these changes aim to increase the number of Legendary units you earn from the Summoning Pit, especially through Celestial and Legendary Summons. At the same time, the changes in the probabilities and in the number of Essential Shards you’ll earn in the game, we want to give you the chance to complete Essential and Faction Summons a lot more frequently.
Essential Shard Earnings You’ll receive a lot more Essential Shards in all the places you usually get them:
Completing all Daily Missions will now get you 10 Essential Shards instead of 5.
The second milestone of the Arena (10 battles) will now give 20 Essential Shards instead of 5.
The Once-A-Day Free Summon Pack will now contain 3 Shards instead of 1.
Arena Market We have made some changes in the content of the Arena Market.
The featured Legendary unit will now cost 6000 Medals instead of 10000
We have added the Fragments of 6 units that will always be available in the Arena Market. You will be able to buy 10 Fragments of each unit at a time for 600 Medals. These are the units with Fragments featured at the Market:
Oni Warrior
You can now buy level-up Materials at the Arena Market.
Arena Medals Over the past months, we’ve noticed that Commanders get very different amounts of Medals at the Arena and, consequently, have very different experiences.We wanted to make sure that players would have more similar experiences.
The first milestone of the arena (5 battles) will no longer give a chest but 100 Arena Medals
This way, it will be easier to earn more medals without an excessive amount of battles. That gap between different experiences should become more narrow.
The number of Arena Medals you earn after every victory has been reduced.
Finally, the number of Arena Medals earned at the end of the Season will stay the same.
With all these changes, we hope to make sure that all players will have a good experience at the Arena Market, while still preserving competition and benefits of engaged Commanders.
Clan Market
Legendary units now cost 30000 War Coins instead of 50000
We have added the Fragments of 6 units that will always be available in the Clan Market. You’ll be able to buy 10 Fragments of each unit at a time for 3000 War Coins. These are the units with Fragments featured at the Market:
Spirited Tiger
Dwarf Engineer
Battle Drummer
Other Changes
Squad Coin Storages had very high caps, often giving the impression of emptiness and low earnings, also not inviting Commanders to engage with the Kingdom building; for that reason we have adjusted the Squad Storages. At the same time, we will allow you to build a 4th Squad Storage to further allow you to gather Squad Coins
The number of Gold and Squad Coins you can earn from Daily Missions will increase.
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